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16 Specific Steps Tech Leaders Can Take To Boost Diversity In Their Teams

16 members of Forbes Technology Council share actionable steps tech leaders can take to boost diversity in their teams at all levels—a smart decision that benefits both businesses and their customers.


August 16, 2021

The gist:

If your organization is ready to walk the walk on boosting diversity, these 16 steps are a great place to start. We’ve included a few below—but the gist is: measure, reward + go Company-wide—not only by changing hiring practices but by taking a look at your communication…all of it. Are you using inclusive language—from your emails to your website—that reflects your end-user?

  • Do A Comprehensive Survey To Develop An Inclusion ‘Scorecard’

Take an inventory of team members in all areas to determine where there is a diverse representation and where major intervention is needed, starting with your board and executives and working through your employees, suppliers, channels, and community. - Chaitra Vedullapalli, Women in Cloud

  • Create Cultural Permission To Change
  • Set Measurable GoalsThe first step in boosting diversity and inclusion is creating a plan with actionable and measurable goals, which includes metrics on diverse sourcing channels, community partnerships, and bias-free recruitment. - Kim Huffman, Elastic
  • Tie Compensation To Diversity And Inclusion Goals

Get the rest of the Tips in the Forbes article here.