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No. 263

When leadership teams are diverse, workers are more likely to be engaged and involved, people tend to behave more ethically, the culture is more open to diversity in hiring and promotions, employees are more satisfied with their jobs and have lower intentions to leave, and workers have higher per...

No. 590

When women work and lead alongside men in teams and organizations creativity is enhanced, and teams and organizations can better generate novel ideas, understand various perspectives, make discoveries, and create breakthrough innovations.Greater Good Magazine, 2017.

No. 312

More gender and racial-diverse teams made fewer factual errors, were more willing to reexamine facts and remain objective, became more aware of personal blind spots, processed facts more carefully, and embodied more innovative thinking than non-diverse groups. Harvard Business Review, 2016.

No. 103

If relations between men and women in a society are rooted in autocracy, exploitation, violence, insecurity + even terror, it primes the society for the same fate…when societies previously broke free from this toxic cycle of female subordination, they achieved a much more stable, prosperous and s...