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Failure to boost women in tech could cost AUS economy $11b over 20 years

Industry experts say investment in womxn in tech is key to ensure there are enough workers to keep up with expected growth

Failure to boost women in tech could cost AUS economy $11b over 20 years

June 14, 2021

The gist:

Social coding costs.

In this particular equation:

Women make up 'just 29% of Australia's tech sector' + the tech sector is booming (with a 16.3% increase in jobs in the past year, or four times the national growth) = the potential $11b loss to their economy.

It is a perfect example of how women (working) become a solution that solves the global problems and shortcomings we are all facing together.

The world, and therefore the world of work, is becoming more technical. But the education and training needed to fill these new jobs hasn't kept up or shifted to include all available workers.

Also, another example of the new critical equation more people should be factoring for: how much money does discrimination and stereotyping cost a Nation's economy? It's time to start seeing this as a dollar and sense issue.

Read more about this here.