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Nuns and Nones project teaches sisters how to create land legacies for justice

Through the Land Justice Project US nuns and sisters are learning how to create new legacies that center racial and ecological healing, ontheir considerable land holdings


April 21, 2022

nuns social justice sustainability

(GSR graphic/Soli Salgado)

"The people who are best positioned to model a healed relationship with the Earth" — Indigenous people and other regenerative stewards — "are oftentimes the least likely to be able to do it because they can't access it…We need to build pathways to land equity, land tenure and land stewardship for those groups of people."

—Brittany Koteles, director of the Nuns and Nones Land Justice Project

Building the bridge

The bridge between the sisters, who were “having conversations about the future of their properties and the local front-line groups regenerating land and creating local climate resilience and pursuing racial healing,” allows for the sisters, who were “largely familiar with the option of conservation easements, for example,” to explore “more collaborative alternatives that are fairly foreign to their communities, such as long-term leases to local farmers or selling below market value.”

"Once that was more apparent, we started hearing [from the sisters], 'This is needed, this is different, this is really energizing,' "

—Brittany Koteles

Photo: GSR graphic/Soli Salgado
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