“I don’t think men or women have a particular trump card over others but I think it’s important courts reflect society,”
—Mark Lucraft, QC the Recorder of London
August 20, 2021
Mark Lucraft, the Court’s leader, has said that in the past “Old Bailey judges were often ‘men of a certain age,” and now looks forward to diversity in educations, genders—and hopefully more persons of color—that will better represent those who bring their cases to the Court. Recent appointment Rebecca Trowler QC, agreed, saying: “This is an important milestone along the way as the judiciary seeks to reflect the society it represents.” But new representative, Alexia Durran, pointed to another aspect of the milestone hoping it would inspire more young women to consider a career in the judiciary.
“I hope that by seeing female judges presiding over some of the most complex and difficult cases in England and Wales it will inspire other young women and female practitioners to consider law and judicial appointment as a career.”
Read The Times UK article here.