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The growing body of statistical evidence highlights the transformative impact of women's leadership across business, economics, culture, and sustainability. Find all of our Stats here.

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No. 543

A 10 percent increase in female parliamentarians was associated with a 0.24 metric ton decrease in carbon dioxide emissions per capita—or roughly the equivalent carbon emissions avoided if the average American didn’t drive her car 587 miles per year. —Gender and climate change: Do female parliame...

No. 389

Women leadership in business is crucial for driving substantial economic opportunities and better business performance. —Better Leadership, Better World, WomenRising2030

No. 333

The U.S. abortion rate dropped 13% between 2008-2011. In addition, given that birthrates also declined substantially during that time, the authors hypothesized that fewer women were experiencing unintended pregnancies, and were using highly effective forms of birth control. —Guttmacher Institute,...

No. 539

If women were to participate in the world of work identically to men, an additional $28 trillion, or 26 percent of incremental global GDP, could be achieved in 2025. McKinsey Global Institute, 2016.

No. 249

In a 2-year study of 9,256 participants—providing free birth control to women reduces unplanned pregnancies and abortion rates by a range of 62 to 78% compared to the national rate. —Washington School of Medicine, Contraceptive Choice Project

N0. 450

In a 2-year study of 9,256 participants—providing free birth control to women reduced unplanned pregnancies and abortion rates by a range of 62 to 78% compared to the national rate.—Washington School of Medicine