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Culture | all

Women's transformational, collaborative leadership drives resilience, social cohesion, and economic development across cultures, communities and societies.

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No. 308

When it comes to long-term investment, women are more likely to see a greater return than their male counterparts…this average over-performance for women investors sits at an average of 0.8% a year. — UK Yoppie

No. 227

Patients who were treated by female physicians in hospital settings…were 4% less likely to die, and were 5% less likely to need to return to the hospital within 30 days. —JAMA Health Forum

No. 199

When women are seen, and highlighted in a manner that accurately reflects their role in society, it changes public perceptions. —International Women’s Media Foundation, The Missing Perspectives of Women in News (2019)

No. 571

“We should not be surprised or opposed when the category of women expands to include trans women”. —Gender Trouble Author, Judith Butler