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Wells Fargo Study: Women Are Financially Resilient, And Better Guidance

The gist:

We included this post in #Girlfaxx pretty much to foreground this sentiment from Heather Hunt-Ruddy, head of business development and growth at Wells Fargo Advisors:

“Women are resoundingly prepared and resilient when faced with emotional and financial crises. However, that’s not the result of financial education or professional support.”

Anecdotally, she attributes women’s resiliency to a combination of experiences and historical inequities that have demanded that women rise above the day’s circumstances and endure.

Citing from the new WF Report—on top of our innate knowledge, instincts, and it’s-just-what-I-have-to-do-id-ness—womxn are now asking for that financial knowledge on top of that, claiming they are needing it, “more than ever.”

While the Covid-19 SHEcession might be the most obvious answer as to why that comes to mind, she also reveals that Millennials and GenX womxn are now on or out-pacing their partners’ earnings, and they need financial advice to take control of their own and their household’s financial futures.

Ah, the sound of progress. That’s what we like to hear.

Read more from the Forbes article by E. Napoletano and Daphne Foreman here.

